Sunday, 15 January 2012

New Year, New Resolutions

With the decadent chocolates, delicious roast meats with gravy and lethargic days of December behind, we are looking, like so many others, to make some better, healthier choices in the New Year. This means upping the vegetable content in our meals and looking to lower fat choices like fish. Salmon is our most used fish when cooking due to its unique flavour and multitude of ways to prepare. While the recipe below calls for frying the fish, I am sure you could bake the fish in a 425 degree oven for 15 – 20 minutes, which would further reduce the fat content of the recipe.

Corn Meal crusted Salmon

2 skinless salmon portions

3 tbsp oil

1/3 cup fine ground cornmeal

Salt and pepper to taste

A squeeze of lemon juice


In a bowl mix together the the cornmeal, salt and pepper. Take each salmon portion and generously coat each side.

Put  a large non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Once heated through pour in oil and then place salmon portions in pan. Cook 3-4 minutes per side until crust is golden brown. Remove from pan and squeeze over a bit of lemon juice.

Pan Roasted Zucchini and Cherry Tomatoes

2 Tbsp oil

2 Zucchini, cubed

1 onion, sliced

3 cloves garlic, sliced

1 cup cherry tomatoes

½ tsp dried oregano

Salt and Pepper


Heat large pan over medium high heat. Add zucchini, garlic and onion, fry for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add tomatoes and oregano and cook for 5 minutes longer. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve.

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